Payroll Services
All personnel working for PSD have tertiary education, and are all trained payroll personnel. All personnel seeking employment with PSD are tested when making application.

Employment Service
Most unlawful dismissals usually start at the initial interview. Where the wrong person has been hired for any reason.

Agreement Services
PayService Dept has clients in most all areas of business so we are able to be of assistance in processing wages for employees irrespective of their profession.

Most unlawful dismissals usually start at the initial interview. Where the wrong person has been hired for any reason, then you can expect your problems will show up eventually. Employment is where the employer should be trying to select the right person for the position. Once in that position the employee should have a position description to work with. If you try and terminate employment for reasons that they did not know what they were doing, when they were not told what to do, then the employee may have the right to the reinstatement of their employment.
- Payroll processing
- Payroll Auditing
- Awards and award interpretations
- Staff employment
- Staff Firing (terminations)
- Company Handbooks